How to measure a lawnmower’s grass cutting height and what height setting to use

Grass cutting height is an important part of ensuring a lawn is cut evenly and properly. Not only does it ensure the grass isn’t overgrown, but it can also lead to uneven wear on your mower blade. In this blog post, we will teach you how to measure your lawnmower’s grass cutting height and give you tips on what height setting to use.

What is the grass cutting height?

There are a number of ways to measure a lawnmower’s grass cutting height and what height setting to use. The most accurate way to determine the grass cutting height is to measure from the ground up to the blade of the lawnmower. However, this can be time-consuming and difficult. One common method used by homeowners is to estimate the height of the grass using a ruler or yardstick. 

This is typically done by placing the yardstick near where you want the lawnmower blade to cut and measuring from there up. Another common method used by homeowners is to look at the supplied instruction manual for their lawn mowers. Many times, this will provide specific instructions on how to measure your lawn’s height and set your grass cutting height.

How to measure the lawnmower’s grass cutting height?

To measure how high the lawnmower blade is cutting, you will need to hold a yardstick horizontally at ground level in front of the blade. The blade should be at its highest point. Use this number as your starting point for setting the grass cutting height.

What height setting to use?

There is no definitive answer to this question, as the optimal grass cutting height will vary depending on the type of lawnmower being used, the condition of the lawn, and personal preferences. However, there are a few general guidelines that can help determine the right height setting for your lawnmower.

To measure a lawnmower’s grass-cutting height, first identify where on the lawn you want to mow. Then use a ruler or measuring tape to mark off a distance equal to twice the width of the blade of your lawnmower (plus 1 inch). Finally, adjust your lawnmower’s blade height so that it is just barely touching (or barely clearing) the top of the marked line. This will be your starting point for setting your grass-cutting height.

As with most things related to yard care, there are many different opinions on what “the perfect grass-cutting height” is. Some people believe that a higher setting will ensure more even coverage across the lawn surface, while others feel that a lower setting results in a tidier cut with fewer clumps. Ultimately, it is up to you to experiment and find what works best for your particular lawn and mowing style.

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What is Measuring Grass Cutting Height?

To measure the height of the grass being cut, you need to use a ruler and a lawnmower blade height setting. To do this, measure from the ground up to the blade of the lawnmower.

The recommended height setting for most lawnmowers is two inches (50 mm). If your lawnmower has a higher or lower height setting, adjust accordingly. Be sure to read your owner’s manual before using your machine.

Height Setting Should You Use on Your Lawnmower?

When it comes to lawnmowers, there are a few things you should keep in mind when setting the height of the cut.

Your lawnmower’s cutting height will depend on the type of grass you have and the size of the blades. If your lawn is relatively short, using a lower setting might be best. If, on the other hand, your lawn is taller or has dense clumps of grass, using a higher setting might be better.

To measure your lawnmower’s grass-cutting height, simply find a point on the ground that’s at least twice as high as the lowest blade and stand next to it. Then use that measurement to find your mower’s corresponding height setting.

Be sure to adjust this setting as needed throughout the growing season so that your lawn remains healthy and free from over-cutting.


After reading this article, you will know how to measure the grass-cutting height of your lawnmower and what setting to use. Cutting the grass too low can cause it to be uneven while cutting it too high can leave clumps of grass that are difficult to cut through. Use our tips and measurements to get the perfect cutting height for your lawnmower, reducing the amount of time you need to spend on your lawn each week!

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